Community garden projects


If you might be interested in sharing in the work and pleasures of a growing project, the following list of contacts may be of help:


There is an independent allotment site in Muswell Hill, Fortis Green Community Allotments Trust (a limited company) Company number 7022582, Registered in England and Wales, Registered office 85 Fortis Green, East Finchley, London, N2 9HU. Contact 


The Meadow Orchard Project are getting more engaged with the Park Road health centre to encourage recovery through gardening and nature. Their website has more at: They're usually open on Saturdays early afternoon.

Wolves Lane Plant Centre are running regular volunteer days on Tuesdays and Thursdays with horticultural training and of course a huge amount of growing space both outside and under glass (but not personal allotments). Contact


Behind the Queens Wood Cafe (Muswell Hill Road) is a hidden, award winning community garden. It is a thriving example of what can be achieved in a small space with apple and quince trees, rhubarb and fruit bushes interspersed with vegetable plots. The garden also has an Aquaponics system set up.!aquaponics/c18zy  The garden is maintained by volunteers on Mondays and Thursdays from 9.30am to 1pm. For more information please see  Queries to Garden Manager at



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