
The role of Site Secretary at the AP Allotments is shared between several people. Their joint email address is:

Every effort will be made to respond in a timely manner, but please remember that everyone is a volunteer.


All APAA committee members have an email address with the format e.g. .


For roles such as plumbing repairs and managing the polytunnel not listed in the main menu above, please see Who does what?


For enquiries about allotment plots, please note that the waiting list at AP Allotments is currently around eight years, with plots offered in strict order. More information on all allotment sites in the borough of Haringey at:  . If you wish to be added to the APA waiting list, please contact .

Our committee has asked us to make clear that maintaining an allotment is hard work involving 5 to 10 hours a week except for January and February.


Finding the Ally Pally Allotments and vehicle access - click here


There are other opportunities locally to take part in growing - some are listed here: Community Garden Projects .

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